Sunday, June 09, 2013

Bought the tickets to the screening of lotr accompanied by a live orchestra just yesterday and I feel like I go for concerts alone not only because the selected few I would like to go with don't necessarily love the things i do, but also due to how it's great to not have to talk to anyone about the performance so i can first sort out my thoughts before talking to others.

The Fellowship

Concerning Hobbits

My heart was stolen the moment they played these. I was a little too into the movie and forgot there was a live orchestra in front of me half the time, but I guess it just points at how good they were - knowing the exact points of entrance, and dynamics were there. I suppose the female soloist could do with an even rounder tone but it was great enough to fill the atmosphere. Orchestras always have the ability to make my heart soar, and today it almost skipped out of its cage when I heard the main theme for the first time - not through the speakers.


Haven't watched the film in a while, it's better appreciated since I'm older. 1) Sam's loyalty towards Frodo always makes me wonder why people deserve that much love from another. 2) Perhaps what I love most about the film is that it reminds you to 'do what you have to' when your time has come, as much as you wish to not be burdened by fate. 3) And a quote from Boromir:

"I know why you seek solitude. You suffer, I see it day by day".

How ironically true, that we tend to withdraw as suffering increases even though what we want most is help from others. Perhaps we withdraw because we don't trust that they can do anything, when this trust is the thing we need the most.

Quotes about solitude are always the first ones to get me. Because loneliness hits frequently, just that I'd rather be alone than to be with most of the world which doesn't understand. Also, thoughts are so much more productive swimming about in the head and drawing links on their own than talking to others. Talking's only great (and necessary) for adding perspective, when you've drawn most of the links yourself.

My wildest, most impossible dream would be to play in a great orchestra. Because I'm almost 21 and am not good enough at an instrument found in an orchestra.

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